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City of Santa Barbara, Downtown Parking


1221 Anacapa Street / Santa Barbara, CA 93101



Permits ARE NOT prorated and are billed by the calendar month. In the payment section of the application, please select the month you would like to begin use of your permit. Your payment will be applied to your starting month. Alternatively, you may select to bill your permit to an existing employer account.

As of July 1, 2023, permit rates are as follows:

Lot 2 - $165/month
Lot 6 - $165/month
Lot 10 - $145/month
Lot 13 - $165/month

Discounted rates are available in Lot 2 ($95) and Lot 10 ($85) for employees of Paseo Nuevo, and in Lot 10 ($85) for students at SBCC Cosmetology school. Eligibility will be confirmed prior to issuing permit.

Please be prepared to upload a JPEG or PDF of your California Vehicle Registration



  1. Monthly parking permits are NOT transferable. Permit may only be used by the person and the vehicle (s) listed on this application. This contract may be terminated by either party with a 30-day notice. Notice can be given to the Downtown Parking Office at: 1221 Anacapa Street / Santa Barbara, CA 93101 / (805) 564-5656, Option 3 or Email:
  2. Monthly parking fees shall be paid in advance. All checks shall be made payable to the CITY OF SANTA BARBARA. Payments not received by the 15th day of the month shall be DELINQUENT and the permit will be subject to termination. NOTE: All unpaid balances assigned for collections will be assessed a 45% collection surcharge.
  3. Assigned Parking Areas or Levels must be observed. Monthly Permit holders may not park on the ground level of any garage at any time. Failure to observe this policy may result in termination. PERMIT DOES NOT GUARANTEE A SPOT IF PARKING LOT IS FULL.
  4. All parking permits are issued on a calendar month basis (i.e. 1st through 31st). The monthly fee shall not be pro-rated at the beginning or the end of this contract.
  5. There will be a $20.00 charge for replacement of lost or stolen permits, or for permits damaged beyond normal wear and tear. Please notify the Parking Office immediately if your permit has been lost or stolen.
  6. All monthly permit parkers must use their permit to gain entrance into the lot and to exit it. Failure to comply with this procedure may result in termination. If you know you do not have your parking permit, please contact the Parking Office in advance for exiting instructions.
  7. Please notify the Parking Office of any changes to your address, vehicle license(s), employment information, or phone number.
  8. If using a “hang tag” style permit the Permit Holder is required to display the identifying permit on the rear view mirror as long as the vehicle is parked in the lot. The permit MUST be visible to City Parking Staff and City Police. A permit is not valid if permit is not properly displayed.
  9. License Plate Recognition (LPR) is supplemental to your physical permit card. Please keep your permit card available for use as a backup in the event LPR does not read your plate to raise the entrance or exit gate.
  10. Only a Permit Holder may use an LPR linked permit to access the parking lot. You must opt-out of LPR for vehicles used by to multiple drivers.
  11. Your permit can be terminated if you allow non-permit holders to use your LPR registered license plate to gain access to the parking lot without paying hourly parking fees.
  12. A Permit Holder must notify the Parking Office within 5 business days if the holder will no longer be driving a vehicle authorized for LPR permit access.
  13. A front license plate is required to use LPR. If your vehicle is not required to display a front plate (CVC § 5200), please opt-out of LPR.
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I agree to the terms listed above. By continuing I agree that I am willing to complete a digital version of the document(s) and that information about my user session will be stored.
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03/25/2025Click to Sign
Signature HereClick to Sign
03/25/2025Click to Sign

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Additional Signatures Required

Vehicle Registration #1 Click Here to Upload
Vehicle Registration #2 Click Here to Upload
Vehicle Registration #3 Click Here to Upload